Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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------ Graphics3d.library history ------------
01.02.98 - V.10.0(beta)
My firts pubblic release of this library.
29.02.98 - V.10.10(beta)
Translate and refined all documentation in English (the translation
is not very good ,sorry) and correct the algoritm to erase the
hidden faces, but it is not very visible in the test program 3dlib.
26.03.98 - V.10.13(beta)
Add new functions to test the light source in the demo program.
Minor modify on memory use, correct a bugs on back side elimination
and any minor bugs.
21.04.98 - V.12.20(beta) - MAYOR RELEASE -
Add new functions to edit to modify the scene caratteristic,to
trasform integer to fix point, single float ,double float and
Last but not list add support of degener poligons as in lightware
that is with one and to vertex.
Add the support of parallel projections but for now is only an
Remove any hard bugs in clipping objects routins that can crash
the systems.
This is the last beta release I will hope.
22.10.98 - V.13.00(beta) - MAYOR RELEASE - (not released)
Totaly rewrite visualization routins in _CPU version of new library,
(the old metod in _BLT instead) here i use a chunky buffer to render
the scene and not a shadow rastport and not use the blitter to draw
but the CPU then on machines whit fast memory and/or fast CPU and/or
fast graphics card the library is more faster than before.
On my machines is 2 time faster an AGA screen and almost 3 time on
a Picasso screen.
I also add the possibility to select the screen mode on demo program
and an index that say the speed of repaint of scene in tick for second
(in europe it is second/50).
24.10.98 - V.13.01(beta)
Remove a stupid bug that not permit the visualization of new metod of
render on machines without the picasso96 library (AGA only tipically).
15.11.98 - V.13.10(beta) (Not released)
Add function to do the direct object load of object in a custom format.
Add also a program (conv) to convert object from .plg and .tddd to this
custom format.
20.12.98 - V.14.20 - MAYOR RELEASE -
Add support of Goraud shading an Z-buffering (only for CPU version, the BLT
version accept ths parameters but ignore its)thanks to Nautilus for this.
Remove any minor bugs and rewrite the code of flat shading.
23.01.99 - V.15.00 - MAYOR RELEASE -
Add support of Texture Mapping (only for CPU version the BLT version accept
this parameter but ignore it)thanks to Nautilus for this ,add the collision
detect behind objects, add the the possibility of change all parameter of
poligons, add the possibility of deactivate the objects (and so speed up the
visualization) ,add the possibilty of to know the actual position of view
point and add the support of virtual color (so the object color is indipendent
from the phisical color palette) and trasparent color to create holes in
polygon with texture mapping.
15.05.99 - V.15.10
In this version I have fixed any bug in the clipping and visualization and I
have do any minor change to three functions.
Bugs fixed:
-Now the objects is clipped correctly if you zoommed or dezoommed the all
scene (with GD_cascene( CS_ZOOM,val )) and reflect correct the change do on
distance of projection plane and value near e far in GD_frustum() and run
correctly the FRUSTUM method of clipping.
-Corrected the function GD_rotateobject() , there is any error in the
calculation of new value of object vertex.
-Corrected the calculation of new scene if you change the visual angle, there
was any bug in the compute of the matrix to trasfor the
coordinates of all object to the new angle.
I have do also any little change on three functions:
1# Gd_translateobject() now do a relative translate of the object vertex in
respect of yours axis (not the world axis) and the value
change always the originally object vertex and not the actual than
this value isn't cumulative like in GD_scaleobject() and GD_rotateobject().
2# GD_positionobject() change the object axis in respect of the world
origin axis (0,0,0) the it is cumulative and is absolute value.
This function is always applied after all other trasformation in the
scene calculation is not relevant your position in respect of the other.
3# GD_frustum() the value near and far is now total free (before near
is always maior of distance of projection plane) the only limit is that far >